Acquiring Energy
Energy is everything. Without adequate energy, you will not be able to create vehicles, construct buildings, or beam your Host Station. Without any energy, your Host Station will perish and your game is over. For complete information on how to monitor your energy, see Game Interface: Energy Manager: Overview.
Maintaining a steady energy absorption rate is crucial for successful gameplay. Listed below are the most effective ways to increase your energy and maintain a constant supply.
- Conquer sectors that contain power stations and/or build power stations.
To conquer a sector, destroy all the enemies that are currently present in that sector and then shoot at a building or the ground. If no enemies are present, shoot at a building or the ground to take control of the sector. Once the sector's outline color on the map indicates that the sector is now yours, the power station is yours.
If no buildings or power stations are available to you, search the terrain for technology upgrades. Acquiring a technology upgrade may offer you the ability to build a power station.
- Beam your Host Station to a sector that contains a power station. The closer your Host Station is to a power station, the faster it absorbs the energy you need to create new vehicles and buildings and to beam your Host Station to a different sector.
It does not cost any beam energy to beam your Host Station to a conquered power station, no matter how far away it is.
- Conquer sectors surrounding a power station to increase its emission area, which in turn increases the power station's energy output. The more sectors you conquer surrounding a power station, the greater the power station's energy output.
- Beam your Host Station to a power station with the largest energy supply and you will be guaranteed a greater rate of energy transference. The number of small white boxes in the map sector's upper-left corner indicates a power station's energy supply. The more boxes, the greater the station's energy output.
Power Station as It Appears on the Map |
Power stations lose energy over time and can sustain damage. As this happens, the number of small white boxes decreases. When a power station is depleted of energy, it will appear gray on the map.
- Recycle energy by destroying your own vehicles and then driving through their energy plasma.
- Take your enemies' power stations. If you conquer an enemy's power stations, you will not only increase your own power supply, but you will also decrease theirs. If you can destroy an enemy's power supply, you will have a much better chance of winning the game.
- Protect your own power stations and guard them with heavy artillery. If the enemy takes your energy supply, you are likely to lose the game.
- Obtain energy by driving or flying through a destroyed vehicle or a destroyed enemy host station and acquiring its energy plasma.